Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Up the downstairs staircase, upon a story,


then the running, then the entrance, then the

posseion of the lenses and viscosity. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Poe for you........

And dark the streets,

I walk myself Home...!

rattles and creaks,

noone there, I say........

but knock, knock, knock;

I answer, noone there,

I say.

Anthology of letters to, my Love

Dear Rock......


Summer has started preschool and the school is quite receptive

to a mixed species, such as the, move from Terra to Venus.

Required …....

War has been and now the quiet and Peace of Venus society is a

welcome change.


Her guardian says that the climate seems to agree with Summer, also.

More later, we miss you so.......


United Nations

virtual reality and the progressive moment,


is the commercial a form of social control?

Soup or Bowl?

more on dirt Farmington;
or was I at Alice Springs?,
Either way the formations seem the similar of last dirt left,

either place.......

better Venus.....
I love you!
Mary Taurus

nagual and the second attention

see points of reference--------------------------------------

and blockages of the only ones I see with continuity

or possibilities in research.

I have mentioned that dissociation in the realm of the study of the big Bang,

my theory, enemies, Laugh, laugh!

The radio interview in 1969 is interesting with Casteneda,

He even says he didn't have the mechanics to go further!

Mechanics are a matter of windows!

Rock, the Sorceror

Last night I was dreaming a particularly difficult curve and the glass on the door broke through just as the enemies I encountered were upon me...

Suddenly I remembered what Rock informed me, to do;

"Laugh, he said,"

and I did so as a practice all night and soared to as State Farm seems to volley for a jingle,

A better State.....

"laugh and laugh and laugh", the intensity away!

Plants, Yaqui and Casteneda

While I was in Denver, a friend had marijuana and he invited me to

smoke with him.......   I felt that a communication happened, since I went to my Studio, quite quickly to meditate.

There had been blockages in my relationship and everything came into a view like seeing

for the first time, the world, the inhabitants and greeting each other, for we had missed each other very much.

Casteneda an anthropologist, describes using plants for the Sorcerors experience.

Peyote and Datura plants, he has too much information on the other side for the scenes not to be true.

I also studied Tibetan and Dine and feel the methods are of a similar nature, even some Voodoo,

and verify the professionalism of the books for the field of psychology and anthropology,

our biggest way to contact antiquity and solve the gap of knowledge in law, space travel and

even medicine.

Timothy Leery and many of the Human Potential Movement were Seers, existentialists and mediums.

John Heider was one and I met him while I was had a private practice at People House in Denver.

Many of that time period, even the first psychologist I worked with as my first job, also named John......

There was a beautiful magnificence of the healing process and the group work was amazing then.

Now I believe there is more knowledge and even more skepticism, shouldn't be--------------------

there is a sense that the doctor is always the authority.

In the bulk of teachings, Don Juan really avoids that and is able to take the

apprentice to other worlds and plants do guide.